zondag 29 december 2013

Trust is invaluable

Trust is something invaluable. Something you should never violate. Every time someone violates your trust, your trust in people reduces. It’s hard to trust others when they let you down. But why do they do it? I really don’t understand why people breach the trust of someone. Is it that hard to just be fair, to be a nice person, to care about others feelings? I have given people too many chances, I always remain believing that people change and they learn, but now? I don’t believe it anymore. It has just been too much. I won’t give anymore 3th chances. When you screwed it up, it’s your own fault, you did this to someone. Maybe it sounds selfish or exaggerated, but for me, it’s enough. I’ve been dealing with trust issues whole my life, so now I’m done with it. No more playing, but justice. 

woensdag 25 december 2013

My Christmas tree

Every Christmas tree has a story. It tells a story about the persons who own the tree, how its decorated and why and how much Christmas means for those persons. This year, my dad wanted the Christmas tree from my grandparents’ garden. My mom doesn’t like the tree at all, but it’s standing in our living room. I have to admit, it’s a weird tree and not the regular Christmas tree, but for once, we just decorated it the way we all wanted, not just what my mom wanted. And I have to say, I really like our tree. It was just fun to decorate and I enjoyed the family time we had.  Our tree tells me that we love Christmas and we just want everything to be cozy.  I wish everyone a merry Christmas and I hope you have a nice time. 

zondag 22 december 2013

Winter flake

Winter finally started. Although the weather over here hasn’t been close to the winter weather, it’s still pretty cold. A white Christmas may not be the case this year, but hopefully snowflakes will be falling dawn just for a moment. Most years I say I don’t like snow and winter, but this year, I just want it to snow. It’s cozy and it just gives me such a nice feeling. I like snow yes, but I don’t like all the mess that comes with it. But this year, I don’t care; I’ll just take the mess that comes with it and enjoy every single snowflake that falls down. I love Christmas and I just want to spend it with everyone. Enjoying the cold, walking hand in hand. 

zondag 15 december 2013

dear best friend

Everybody needs someone. A person you can tell everything to, you can laugh with, go crazy but also have serious conversations with. When you have such kind of person in life, you are a lucky bird. A best friend defends you even if you are wrong. For me my best friend is one of the most important persons in my life.  So I want to say something.

Dear best friend,

It's been a while since we spoke. We both had a lot to do and things where changing. We might not talk that often anymore, but every time we do, I get a happy feeling. Memories come back about everything we have been trough and that really is a lot. Maybe you remember those crazy days we had, when we were laughing all the time and everybody was looking at us like we were some idiots. We just did the craziest things and we were teasing each other the whole time. Sometimes I just wanted to kick you, because you were annoying me, but I miss you. When I’m looking at pictures of us, I immediately start smiling and I can remember that moment we made the picture. Whenever I feel lonely I look at my wall where I hanged up pictures of us and I feel a little bit less alone. But it’s not the same, we should see each other again. I just want to tell you that, how much I can hate you sometimes, you are my best friend for a reason and we will always be. I’m always going to be there for you, whenever you need me and I will make you proud.


Your best friend. 

zondag 8 december 2013

One of our biggest fears: exams

It’s that time of the year again, where everybody is stressing out and eating food and studying, studying, studying. The temperature is getting colder and the sun is on vacation. Rain and snow come and go, it’s faster dark and you just want everything to be cozy. The holidays are within sight. So for now just staying calm and thinking clear. As long as you sleep enough, eat a lot of food and do you best, it will be okay. So success to everyone who has to go through this stuff and afterwards enjoy holidays! 

woensdag 4 december 2013


My obsession with dinosaurs.. When I was a child, I played with all kind of toys. I wasn’t really a girly girl. Well, I’m still not a girly girl, but when I was little I used to play with dinosaurs. And now I still love dinosaurs. I just think they are some amazing creatures who lived before humans did. They were huge! And then people feel big on earth. If other people can be obsessed by unicorns I can like dinosaurs. Although my friends think it’s a little bit weird, they still like me. I don’t know what I like so much about dinosaurs. Maybe because they looked so special? I watched shows with dinosaurs and secretly I still do sometimes. Like “The land before time” amazing movies just about friendship actually. And the TV show “Dinosaurs” I still think it’s a genius idea. So nope, I won’t stop liking dinosaurs. That’s my weird obsession.

zondag 1 december 2013

A girls mind

When my best friend told me what his problem was, I just wanted to jell at the world. It’s just so unfair, that society destroys people. So for his girlfriend, I want to say this, because nobody should play with a girls mind.  (or a boys mind)

People can say things that really hurt. Most of the time they don’t know it hurts others so much. They just see it as a joke, but it can break a person. People are very sensitive for things like that. So whenever you say something bad about them, it will stay in their mind for a very long time. DON’T EVER say something insulting to a person! It kills them inside, maybe it looks like a joke to you, but for them it doesn’t. They start to doubt everything about themselves. They start acting different, start ruining their own bodies and just to be accepted. There are happening such horrible things to people, just because they want to be what others tell them to be. People always want to be better, want to be like others and want to fit in. But there is no need for that, because nobody is perfect. So why would you want to be like someone who is as good as you are? Just be who you want to be and you really shouldn’t care about what others say, because they are not 1 hair better then you are. I learned that whatever others say, it doesn’t matter. Nobody is perfect. There will always be someone who says something bad about you, but! They are not worth to put energy in. The things they say are just words. You should just care about what you think of yourself. The people, who deserve you, like you just the way you are. They are proud of who you are becoming, they care about you in any way. They are the ones, who will stand up for you and those people, they are important to you. And that’s all you need, those people who care about you, because you are who you are.