zondag 29 december 2013

Trust is invaluable

Trust is something invaluable. Something you should never violate. Every time someone violates your trust, your trust in people reduces. It’s hard to trust others when they let you down. But why do they do it? I really don’t understand why people breach the trust of someone. Is it that hard to just be fair, to be a nice person, to care about others feelings? I have given people too many chances, I always remain believing that people change and they learn, but now? I don’t believe it anymore. It has just been too much. I won’t give anymore 3th chances. When you screwed it up, it’s your own fault, you did this to someone. Maybe it sounds selfish or exaggerated, but for me, it’s enough. I’ve been dealing with trust issues whole my life, so now I’m done with it. No more playing, but justice. 

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