zondag 1 december 2013

A girls mind

When my best friend told me what his problem was, I just wanted to jell at the world. It’s just so unfair, that society destroys people. So for his girlfriend, I want to say this, because nobody should play with a girls mind.  (or a boys mind)

People can say things that really hurt. Most of the time they don’t know it hurts others so much. They just see it as a joke, but it can break a person. People are very sensitive for things like that. So whenever you say something bad about them, it will stay in their mind for a very long time. DON’T EVER say something insulting to a person! It kills them inside, maybe it looks like a joke to you, but for them it doesn’t. They start to doubt everything about themselves. They start acting different, start ruining their own bodies and just to be accepted. There are happening such horrible things to people, just because they want to be what others tell them to be. People always want to be better, want to be like others and want to fit in. But there is no need for that, because nobody is perfect. So why would you want to be like someone who is as good as you are? Just be who you want to be and you really shouldn’t care about what others say, because they are not 1 hair better then you are. I learned that whatever others say, it doesn’t matter. Nobody is perfect. There will always be someone who says something bad about you, but! They are not worth to put energy in. The things they say are just words. You should just care about what you think of yourself. The people, who deserve you, like you just the way you are. They are proud of who you are becoming, they care about you in any way. They are the ones, who will stand up for you and those people, they are important to you. And that’s all you need, those people who care about you, because you are who you are. 

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