zaterdag 27 juli 2013

Memorie lane

Yesterday, I was cleaning up my closet and I found a box. It was filled with stuff from when I was younger. Memories came back and I was thinking about that time when you are playing the whole time and we didn’t think about anything. As a child I was addicted to the Lion King. Actually every Disney movie was playing on our television. But princesses weren’t really my thing. My most favorite animated movie like the classic Disney movies, is definitely Anastasia. Oh I love that movie and why? Just because the story is so beautiful. I was going feather trough the stuff and I found a picture of me and my favorite stuffed animal. I’m still having him and I don’t think I will ever throw him away.  I remember that he had a typical smell of home and when I wasn’t at home, he was out with me. Memories flashed by and the smile on my face was growing.

Memories are very important even the bad ones. They have their reason to be there and you should never forget them. Things you are regretting now will be laughed about in the future. Tell others you memories and let them enjoy together with you.

woensdag 24 juli 2013

Change of plans

My school results weren’t that great. Plans had to be changed. People were mad, sad, couldn’t believe it, but it’s true. I screwed up my year and now I’ll have to pay for it. It’s my own damn fault. But still, I don’t regret this unforgettable year. I opened up; I met new/awesome people, made real friends, learned, but most important: I became myself. There are things I regret, but it is one year. One year of unforgettable memories. I get it that my parents are really disappointed, because if I had done just a little bit more, there wouldn’t be a problem. But that’s how it is. I didn’t do anything bad. I’m not a criminal, but I’m not perfect and I don’t want to pretend to be perfect. So whenever I can I’m trying to be happy about the situation, but at this point it’s hard. Yes I have a punishment and I really wanted to cry about it, start screaming and run away, but that would make it a lot worse.  Now I’m on vacation and I’m going to try to be a good daughter. I don’t want to think about my punishment and I just want to enjoy vacation. Just not thinking about all my problems. Maybe when I’m back my parents will change their minds, hopefully. For now? Only one thing: vacation...

maandag 22 juli 2013

What about God?

Religion is a strong thing in a human life. There are many different religions but actually they are all the same: believe in it and you’re a good person. I’m definitely not judging people who believe. I admire them for that, but me? I grew up without religion. Am I screwed up for that? No! Everybody has his own opinion and thinks different. As long as we respect others we can live in peace. I don’t believe in God, but I’m definitely not saying you shouldn’t! My opinion? Believe whatever you want! As long as you put strength out of it, it’s good. : ) I believe in science and in peace. It might seem a little too positive, but I think that if everyone cared about others and shared, earth should be a much better place. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you :) share your thoughts and you are helping the world to become a better place.


woensdag 3 juli 2013


Yes, finally!! It’s summer!
It has been a hard year and the weather over here hasn’t been that great the last months. Now school is done and summer is finally here :) Partying, swimming, enjoying the sun, rest … It’s a good thing. No stress or work, just sleeping and enjoying. Even if your finals weren’t great or you had a hard time, summer is here to heel your wounds. Don’t think about what if, should I … JUST DO IT! Take some time for yourself and feel free. Feel like a bird. Put on some party music and dance! Dance and sing. Just be crazy with friends and do things you never did before. : ) Have a great summer and don’t forget to enjoy it!!

My summer jam : )