donderdag 31 januari 2013

Changing stories

Do you know that moment, when you hear a story, but you don't like a part of it? Like when there is a bad ending or a terrible subject. Normally we want to change that, because we are weird? No, just because we love a happy ending. Not that we all want to be a princess, have a lot of money and marry a handsome prince, right? Well, that's not what I want; I just want to get a happy feeling. And from what else than a great story, a nice song or a great film do we get a happy feeling? Just thinking about what these persons are going through and then finding the way out. That gives a feeling of not being alone and being understood. But why would we make up our one story and change it whenever we feel like. Cause that's what we're doing all the time. So now, at this moment, I'm thinking about what should happen. I would go to sleep and wake up and then realize it finally stopped raining. The sun is shining, not that cold anymore and my favorite song is playing. I see my friends at school and will be laughing with jokes a lot. 
Don't make a bad story, because it will happen. I'm just going to pretend like I don't care and smile the whole day long ... :) 

That all while I'm singing Bad Reputation from Joan Jett

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