dinsdag 19 februari 2013

Squeezing it

This time I will be talking about nerves. I think everyone has been nervous ones. You could be nervous for a speaking assignment or for a big test or just anything.  There are 2 types of nerves and it’s very black and white.
1)      good nerves
2)      bad nerves

When you are nerves, you most of the time shake a body part, like I always shake with my leg. It’s trilling all the time and it drives people crazy. But the problem is: I can’t control it! It’s just a tic and I don’t realize I’m doing it. When you have good nerves, you are just nervous because there is going to happen something you are happy about. Like when you would go on a first date or just when you are going to a concert. Bad nerves, well, they are just not good. When you have them it’s because you’ve done something bad or didn’t study or anything that you know is your fault.
Some people are almost never nervous. Their life is chill and they don’t care. But people like me, the people who are nervous for just anything, they care. It’s just because we are insecure and we don’t believe in ourselves as much as we should.

I personally am the most nervous person I know. I’m always freaking out about everything. Where does it come from? No idea. I’m probably very insecure. When do you know I’m nervous? Well, that is always very clear. I’m trilling and shaking, it looks like I’m having it very cold, because I get Goosebumps and I’m talking nonsense. Sometimes my friends’ say it’s funny to watch, but most of the time I’m making them nervous too. ;) That’s just what they have to live with.

What do I do to calm down? Well, most of the time I can’t do anything. I try to so here are some tips.
-          Just breath in and out very deep
-          Think: I’m not the only nervous person!
-          Take a stress ball or something you can squeeze
-          Think about nice things you will be doing afterwards
-          Sing a song (it doesn’t have to be out loud )
-          Sleep a lot
-     Don't laugh to hard
-     Just be yourself
I hope I helped you a little bit and whenever you’re nervous again think: I’m not the only one! Everybody feels that way sometime! And just go on with what you are doing. Live your life and laugh a lot!

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