woensdag 13 maart 2013

I have a dream

How many times has it been said? Just too much, but I’m going to say it again: I have a dream. I want to see the world. I don’t care about all those expensive hotels, I just want to see the real side of a country, so if I have to sleep in a tent, then so be it. It would be ridiculous to pay for something where I wouldn’t be the whole day. 
What would I do when I’m travelling? I want to see the nature, art, and the people there. I want to learn new cultures and have fun. I would take pictures of everything and enjoy the smallest things. I would write about it with much detailed information and maybe I’ll make a book ;) From the pictures I would make my own postcards so my family and friends would know what I’m doing. I would use my pictures for art in any way. I’m just going to be a happy person travelling around the world.  Hopefully with someone I really like, but if it has to, I’ll do it alone. Haha, maybe I’ll find my soul mate, but I will definitely make new friends. 
Just follow your dreams and maybe, someday you’ll say: I had a dream and I made it happen. You will tell it to your kids and their kids and they will be proud on you and say you are their hero. And that’s what we like to be. 

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