donderdag 21 februari 2013

Friends? Euhm ...


What is the meaning of friendship? How do you know who you're friends are? Do we need them? Friendship is something special. It’s a strange, but strong connection. Some people have lots of friends, but they don’t know what a real friend is. Who are those real friends? They are the ones you miss or they make you laugh. They’ll always listen to you and they won’t judge you. They are the persons you call in the middle of the night, because you just found out your thumbs look like each other. They are the ones who will jump on their bike and come to you at 3 o’clock in the morning, just to check if you’re ok when you’re not feeling very well. They are the ones you can sing songs with, because they don’t care about your crappie voice. They will tell you, when you need to stop drinking, because they just know you. ;) Your friends, well, they are just the most awesome people in the world! Don't doubt about that! They will try any excuse so they can hang out with you. You trust them and they understand you, even you’re stupid inside jokes. I think every person needs a best friend, at least a friend. Because who will you be talking to?  I hope everyone has a friend, just to talk to or someone who gives you a huge when it’s not going that well. Don’t judge if you don’t really know them, just smile and wave. :)

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