donderdag 21 februari 2013

Friends? Euhm ...


What is the meaning of friendship? How do you know who you're friends are? Do we need them? Friendship is something special. It’s a strange, but strong connection. Some people have lots of friends, but they don’t know what a real friend is. Who are those real friends? They are the ones you miss or they make you laugh. They’ll always listen to you and they won’t judge you. They are the persons you call in the middle of the night, because you just found out your thumbs look like each other. They are the ones who will jump on their bike and come to you at 3 o’clock in the morning, just to check if you’re ok when you’re not feeling very well. They are the ones you can sing songs with, because they don’t care about your crappie voice. They will tell you, when you need to stop drinking, because they just know you. ;) Your friends, well, they are just the most awesome people in the world! Don't doubt about that! They will try any excuse so they can hang out with you. You trust them and they understand you, even you’re stupid inside jokes. I think every person needs a best friend, at least a friend. Because who will you be talking to?  I hope everyone has a friend, just to talk to or someone who gives you a huge when it’s not going that well. Don’t judge if you don’t really know them, just smile and wave. :)

woensdag 20 februari 2013

What's love?


How do you know you’re in love? When do you know it? Where? These questions fly around in your head when you’re in love. It’s enjoying. Why can’t we just know it at once? But nobody has a great answer to these questions. It just happens. There isn’t a rule for knowing it, but when you get an amazing feeling, it’s happening. You’re falling in love. It just overcomes you. You can’t control it, but it’s not a bad thing. Just enjoy the feeling and what if it doesn’t work out? Then you have had an amazing experience. But don’t ever fool him/her! It’s better to be single then to lie to a person who loves you.

 I’ll say some very wise words: If you don’t try, you’ll never know!


dinsdag 19 februari 2013

Squeezing it

This time I will be talking about nerves. I think everyone has been nervous ones. You could be nervous for a speaking assignment or for a big test or just anything.  There are 2 types of nerves and it’s very black and white.
1)      good nerves
2)      bad nerves

When you are nerves, you most of the time shake a body part, like I always shake with my leg. It’s trilling all the time and it drives people crazy. But the problem is: I can’t control it! It’s just a tic and I don’t realize I’m doing it. When you have good nerves, you are just nervous because there is going to happen something you are happy about. Like when you would go on a first date or just when you are going to a concert. Bad nerves, well, they are just not good. When you have them it’s because you’ve done something bad or didn’t study or anything that you know is your fault.
Some people are almost never nervous. Their life is chill and they don’t care. But people like me, the people who are nervous for just anything, they care. It’s just because we are insecure and we don’t believe in ourselves as much as we should.

I personally am the most nervous person I know. I’m always freaking out about everything. Where does it come from? No idea. I’m probably very insecure. When do you know I’m nervous? Well, that is always very clear. I’m trilling and shaking, it looks like I’m having it very cold, because I get Goosebumps and I’m talking nonsense. Sometimes my friends’ say it’s funny to watch, but most of the time I’m making them nervous too. ;) That’s just what they have to live with.

What do I do to calm down? Well, most of the time I can’t do anything. I try to so here are some tips.
-          Just breath in and out very deep
-          Think: I’m not the only nervous person!
-          Take a stress ball or something you can squeeze
-          Think about nice things you will be doing afterwards
-          Sing a song (it doesn’t have to be out loud )
-          Sleep a lot
-     Don't laugh to hard
-     Just be yourself
I hope I helped you a little bit and whenever you’re nervous again think: I’m not the only one! Everybody feels that way sometime! And just go on with what you are doing. Live your life and laugh a lot!

zondag 17 februari 2013


A teenager has to deal with a lot of stuff, but we survive it. We try to find ourselves and develop our one opinion. When we say our opinions out loud, we should be expecting converse ones back.  But do we? Don’t we just think our opinion is the best? But we should listen and then we learn to accept them and try to find a way in-between. So when we make new friends, we probably have something in common with them. We join sport clubs, art communities or something else and find ourselves. But what when you learn to know someone you have almost nothing in common with? Which feelings do we feel? It’s weird at the beginning, but with the time, we figure things out. Like the fact that we do have something in common, even the smallest things. Because, yeah, it’s trough! We are all the same. But we all have our one identity, and that’s what makes us unique.
I met someone who gives me a good feeling, like we knew each other already for a long time, but we don’t really know each other.  Learning to know new people is always awkward. It’s weird and nice at the same time. But who knows? Maybe we share a lot of stuff. Maybe we’ll become best friends. Or maybe we’ll just go on with what we were doing, but with some memories we should save for later. Memories we can learn from and afterwards we can put them in one of the little rooms in our head with all the others we experienced. 

Parents are right (sometimes)

Almost every teenager has disputed with his parents. But at the end we lose most of the time. We won’t say they are right, but we know it. Whenever my parents are forcing me to do something, they are always right. Just like this time. They sent me to an animator program. But because I didn’t know anybody there, I didn’t want to go. I was using every reason that I knew, so I didn’t had to go, but none of it worked. So when I came there I was so nervous. When I opened the door, I was so surprised to see somebody I knew. From that moment I thought: It is going to be ok. I learned to know new people and tried to socialize as much as possible. And we laughed all the time. I became great friends with some of them and we had a good time. We learned a lot and I definitely didn’t regret that I went. I taught a friend how to dance ;) and I learned to be myself. I tried out new things even things I won’t do again, but I’m happy I did them. J When I went home, I felt empty. Like there was a piece missing. We hugged for a last time, but we didn’t say goodbye. Because we are going to see each other again. I really don’t like to admit that my parents were right, but this time I can’t say they were wrong. My phone was shaking all the time. Texts flew in and I sent others out. And now at this point we are already making plans for a meeting, laughing about the things we did. Enjoying every moment of the day.