zondag 25 augustus 2013


Imagine … I just love this word. It is like the bridge between reality and fantasy. Like it’s impossible, but maybe, one day it will come true. Imagine a world you could create yourself. What would live, grow… My imaginary world is a beautiful forest with no human beings, just animals and plants, like nature. All kind of fantasy characters live there and the world is just peace. Nothing ruining something else. No human who destroys everything he sees. Yeah, imagine is a beautiful word to subscribe what something could be, the perfect situation, so imagine world without humanity. World would be beautiful and a small fairy is dancing in peace …

Imagine – John Lennon

zondag 18 augustus 2013

Being me ...

A friend of me asked me a question.  A question about me personally. I couldn’t really answer it, because I’m not that self-assured. He said: “How could you not be proud of yourself? You are the only person in the whole world like you are. Everybody is unique.” I started thinking and asked him how he stands in life. He answered me that he just believed in himself and he just does what he wants to do. He doesn’t care about what others think, he wants to be himself and is proud of whom he is. I started to tell him my story and why I’m not that proud of myself and he said: “I know how that is, believe me, I’ve been through that too, but you are a super girl and you can be yourself with me. Don’t be afraid of who you are, nobody is perfect and fake people have the most ugly personality you could imagine.  I was so relieved and happy when he said that. I decided to look at life the same as he does. Nothing can stop me from following my dreams and nobody has the right to think he is better than I am. I’m proud of who I am, what I’ll become and what I did. Life is just too short to live in the shadows of others. 

zaterdag 10 augustus 2013

Forgetting about you

A while ago I met a person, who I really like. We had a great time together, but I was scared. Scared of falling in love. After some time I decided that if I did fall in love, I just should go for it. Only one problem: I didn’t know what I was feeling exactly. It was a long struggle. Then I finally decided that I’d give that person a chance, but he didn’t take it. It’s confusing and annoying. I still don’t know what he wants and it’s driving me crazy. I said to myself: you’re still not shore about your own feelings, so just forget about him. That’s what I’m trying to do, but it’s not that easy.

What I want to say is whenever you hesitate, you should think about the reason you are hesitating. If you are still not shore, then forget about it. There is so much more in life and you’ll be fine :) 

vrijdag 2 augustus 2013

Smile and wave :)

Everybody knows these days when you aren’t in a good mood and everything annoys you. But the worst is when there are some people who talk to you, you really don’t like and the voice in your head is screaming: “Bitch please! Leave me!!!” You just want to walk away screaming things. There is nothing wrong with wanting it, but that could cause some big fights. The best thing to do? I’ll tell you! Just try to ignore them as much as possible. Think about the penguins of Madagascar: “Smile and wave!” Just do it and walk away. They will get it …