A blog about random things and serious subjects. Just so you know, you are not alone.. But mostly just the things from my teenage mind, hope you enjoy! Find me on facebook!
zondag 29 december 2013
Trust is invaluable

woensdag 25 december 2013
My Christmas tree
zondag 22 december 2013
Winter flake
Winter finally started. Although the weather over here hasn’t been close to the winter weather, it’s still pretty cold. A white Christmas may not be the case this year, but hopefully snowflakes will be falling dawn just for a moment. Most years I say I don’t like snow and winter, but this year, I just want it to snow. It’s cozy and it just gives me such a nice feeling. I like snow yes, but I don’t like all the mess that comes with it. But this year, I don’t care; I’ll just take the mess that comes with it and enjoy every single snowflake that falls down. I love Christmas and I just want to spend it with everyone. Enjoying the cold, walking hand in hand.
zondag 15 december 2013
dear best friend
needs someone. A person you can tell everything to, you can laugh with, go
crazy but also have serious conversations with. When you have such kind of
person in life, you are a lucky bird. A best friend defends you even if you are
wrong. For me my best friend is one of the most important persons in my life. So I want to say something.
Dear best friend,
Your best friend.
zondag 8 december 2013
One of our biggest fears: exams
woensdag 4 december 2013

zondag 1 december 2013
A girls mind
When my
best friend told me what his problem was, I just wanted to jell at the world. It’s
just so unfair, that society destroys people. So for his girlfriend, I want to
say this, because nobody should play with a girls mind. (or a boys mind)

dinsdag 26 november 2013

I just wanted to let you know that there is a facebookpage up from Imagine thinking ;)
There will be posted links to the blogposts, but also other nice stuff, so check it out!
Imagine thinking
zondag 24 november 2013
Stupid mononucleosis

zondag 17 november 2013
You are not a robot
Last week I
was watching a video from Sam Pepper. He went to a concert of Hoodie Allen. So I
looked him up and I fell in love with the music! Hoodie Allen has some really
good songs and I have been listening to them ever since. It feels like the
songs really take me in to the story and they give me a certain feeling, like I
have been through the things in the song. My favorite song is probably You are
not a robot. I really like this song, the lyrics are so true. The song is about
being yourself and not being what everyone else wants you to be. Well I can completely
relate to that. It’s hard to be accepted by everyone and being what everyone
else wants you to be. But! You don’t have to. You just have to be who you want
to be and nobody else can say you what to do. It’s your life and you should
enjoy it. So stop trying being what others want you to be, just be who you are.
Believe me, when you finally have accepted yourself, gives it you the greatest
feeling. :)
zondag 10 november 2013
What would you do - Bastille
What would
you do – Bastille
When you
listen to this song, it’s like your problems become pathetic, like they aren’t
real problems. While listening I was
thinking about people who don’t get such chances as I do and I just want to do
something for them. I know it’s impossible to do well for everybody, but we can
all make someone smile. There we should start, do something for another without
expecting something back. Think about their position and ask yourself this
question: What would you do?
zondag 3 november 2013
Don't let me down

zondag 27 oktober 2013
Autumn is back
zondag 20 oktober 2013
Hi, I love you!
Hi tiger,
We have known
each other for months, however it seems like ages. You know me like the best
and I’m always happily surprised when you know those things about me. You make
me smile and feel like the happiest person on earth. Every time you look at me,
you make me shine. Every time you kiss me the butterflies in my stomach go
crazy and my body just wants you. Just you. Whenever I see you smile, I fall in
love over and over again. You are one of the only persons who get me, who
understands me and I understand you. I just wanted to tell you that you mean
the world to me. You are everything I need and ever want. I just love you.. And
I will always do.
zondag 13 oktober 2013
The softy in me
Most people
think I’m hard and that I can take a lot. They are surprised of my softer side.
I don’t show it that much, but I am a real softy. And there is nothing wrong
about it. : ) when I’m watching a sad movie, I’ll be the first one whose tears
will be rolling down my cheeks. I have a big hart for things like that. My soft
spot. I find it harder to watch a kid cry then when I see somebody being
killed. I can’t watch the news when they are talking about war and people who
die for nothing. Just because I feel useless. I can’t do anything to help them
and it’s just not fair. I have a good life, but I can’t help them. It breaks
me. Yes I’m a softy, but I will do my best to do well for this world. It needs
every small good thing to become a better place.
zondag 6 oktober 2013
Why don't they understand?

zondag 29 september 2013
Teachers are
another species. They just don’t get students. Teens are constantly dragging
about them, but what would we be without teachers? Living with a teacher is
hard and frustrating, but not like you’ll die from it. They are people too. When
you are a good student, you will have a great teacher, as long as you show some
interest in them. There will always be some teachers who you would want to
kill, but think about the other teachers. It’s true that they only care for
their matter and they plan things too much at one time. We need space and spare
time. I don’t think they will change, but smile and ask for another date. Maybe
they won’t do that, but they are still human and will do what you ask. Just show
some respect.
zondag 22 september 2013
Mondays are
awful. The end of the weekend just passed by and a new week is coming you are
lazy, tired and just want it to be weekend again. In class, nobody pays
attention. Everybody is thinking about sleeping and doing nothing. Monday goes
by and the same every day. Now it’s already Friday and you are happy because
the weekend is coming. Actually those other days went by in a fast time. As long
as you have something to do, you don’t feel it. Like today. My day went by so
quickly.. Like I’ve missed parts of it. But maybe that’s because I had fun and
the time wasn’t standing still for once..
zondag 15 september 2013
I'd come for you
I don’t
tell this to many people, because I find it hard to choose, but I kind of made
a decision. My ultimate favorite song ever is I’d come for you from Nickelback.
Most of the time this song makes me wants to cry. I think it’s so beautiful! The
lyrics are just wonderful and touching. Why? If you know you have someone like
that in your life, you can say you are the luckiest person on earth. Just knowing
that you can always go to that person is such a relieve. That person is one of
the most important persons in your life. They are there for you no matter what.
It makes you feel special, but I hope you are that kind of person for someone
else too. Someone you really care about. It can be family, boy/girlfriend … but
a friend too. Be there for each other and make each other the happiest person
I'd come for you - Nickelback
I'd come for you - Nickelback
zondag 8 september 2013
Yes I cried
There could
be so many reasons for crying. For every time you cry, there is a story. Crying
is a relief. Letting everything go for a moment. When you cry, you can just
think about the reason and that’s a good thing. Today I cried. It was a relief
for me, finally everything could go. I was angry, disappointed, sad… I just
couldn’t take it anymore. Its normal people break down. It’s nothing to be
ashamed off. I personally think you should cry sometimes. Because it clears
your mind and you have a moment to yourself. So yes, I cried, and I don’t
regret it…
zondag 1 september 2013
A new school
zondag 25 augustus 2013

Imagine –
John Lennon
zondag 18 augustus 2013
Being me ...
A friend of
me asked me a question. A question about
me personally. I couldn’t really answer it, because I’m not that self-assured. He
said: “How could you not be proud of yourself? You are the only person in the
whole world like you are. Everybody is unique.” I started thinking and asked
him how he stands in life. He answered me that he just believed in himself and
he just does what he wants to do. He doesn’t care about what others think, he
wants to be himself and is proud of whom he is. I started to tell him my story
and why I’m not that proud of myself and he said: “I know how that is, believe
me, I’ve been through that too, but you are a super girl and you can be
yourself with me. Don’t be afraid of who you are, nobody is perfect and fake
people have the most ugly personality you could imagine. I was so relieved and happy when he said
that. I decided to look at life the same as he does. Nothing can stop me from
following my dreams and nobody has the right to think he is better than I am. I’m
proud of who I am, what I’ll become and what I did. Life is just too short to
live in the shadows of others.
zaterdag 10 augustus 2013
Forgetting about you
What I want
to say is whenever you hesitate, you should think about the reason you are
hesitating. If you are still not shore, then forget about it. There is so much
more in life and you’ll be fine :)
vrijdag 2 augustus 2013
Smile and wave :)

zaterdag 27 juli 2013
Memorie lane
I was cleaning up my closet and I found a box. It was filled with stuff from
when I was younger. Memories came back and I was thinking about that time when
you are playing the whole time and we didn’t think about anything. As a child I
was addicted to the Lion King. Actually every Disney movie was playing on our
television. But princesses weren’t really my thing. My most favorite animated
movie like the classic Disney movies, is definitely Anastasia. Oh I love that
movie and why? Just because the story is so beautiful. I was going feather
trough the stuff and I found a picture of me and my favorite stuffed animal.
I’m still having him and I don’t think I will ever throw him away. I remember that he had a typical smell of
home and when I wasn’t at home, he was out with me. Memories flashed by and the
smile on my face was growing.
Memories are
very important even the bad ones. They have their reason to be there and you
should never forget them. Things you are regretting now will be laughed about
in the future. Tell others you memories and let them enjoy together with you.
woensdag 24 juli 2013
Change of plans

My school
results weren’t that great. Plans had to be changed. People were mad, sad,
couldn’t believe it, but it’s true. I screwed up my year and now I’ll have to
pay for it. It’s my own damn fault. But still, I don’t regret this
unforgettable year. I opened up; I met new/awesome people, made real friends,
learned, but most important: I became myself. There are things I regret, but it
is one year. One year of unforgettable memories. I get it that my parents are
really disappointed, because if I had done just a little bit more, there wouldn’t
be a problem. But that’s how it is. I didn’t do anything bad. I’m not a
criminal, but I’m not perfect and I don’t want to pretend to be perfect. So whenever
I can I’m trying to be happy about the situation, but at this point it’s hard. Yes
I have a punishment and I really wanted to cry about it, start screaming and
run away, but that would make it a lot worse. Now I’m on vacation and I’m going to try to be a good
daughter. I don’t want to think about my punishment and I just want to enjoy
vacation. Just not thinking about all my problems. Maybe when I’m back my
parents will change their minds, hopefully. For now? Only one thing: vacation...
maandag 22 juli 2013
What about God?
Religion is
a strong thing in a human life. There are many different religions but actually
they are all the same: believe in it and you’re a good person. I’m definitely
not judging people who believe. I admire them for that, but me? I grew up
without religion. Am I screwed up for that? No! Everybody has his own opinion
and thinks different. As long as we respect others we can live in peace. I don’t
believe in God, but I’m definitely not saying you shouldn’t! My opinion? Believe
whatever you want! As long as you put strength out of it, it’s good. : ) I believe
in science and in peace. It might seem a little too positive, but I think that
if everyone cared about others and shared, earth should be a much better place.
Believe in yourself and others will believe in you :) share your thoughts and
you are helping the world to become a better place.
woensdag 3 juli 2013
Yes, finally!!
It’s summer!
It has been
a hard year and the weather over here hasn’t been that great the last months. Now
school is done and summer is finally here :) Partying, swimming, enjoying the
sun, rest … It’s a good thing. No stress or work, just sleeping and enjoying. Even
if your finals weren’t great or you had a hard time, summer is here to heel
your wounds. Don’t think about what if, should I … JUST DO IT! Take some time
for yourself and feel free. Feel like a bird. Put on some party music and
dance! Dance and sing. Just be crazy with friends and do things you never did
before. : ) Have a great summer and don’t forget to enjoy it!!
My summer
jam : )
woensdag 26 juni 2013
Yes, no, maybe

dinsdag 18 juni 2013
Life is a movie
Your life
is like a movie you are directing yourself. You are the one choosing which way
to go and what happens. Who will be a part of the movie or which characters
will have a part? That’s all up to you. There are things that happen, but you
don’t want them to happen. That’s just how life goes. You can make your own
path, but there will be struggle. Don’t forget that you chose your way of life
and nothing should stop that. If you really want something, you’ll get there. Believe
in yourself and others will believe you too. Don’t give up and stay strong, not
for me, but for yourself!
woensdag 12 juni 2013
Straight edge?

Why don't you drink a beer?
Me: Because I don't like it.
But everyone does it, so just do it.
Me: Well, that's just stupid, why would you drink a beer if everyone else did? Then you're just following the rest. I don't drink because I don't like it and I think you can make a lot of fun without.
Then what do you drink?
Me: Just water, I don't drink soda because I don't like it either.
A friend of me said: Wow! So you don't drink?
Me: I don't drink, smoke or do drugs and I don't care about what other people say about that. Like my dad would say: I'm proud about it. ;)
She: OMG! You are straight edge! That's so cool! One of my best friends is straight edge too and she's AWESOME! You guys should be friends!
And I was thinking: I'm I straight edge?? I don't know if this counts or what it means in total.
So I looked it up and I know for sure I'm definitaly not straight edge! Because I'm not a vegetarian or vegan. I kind of like hardcore,
but not as much as a real straight edger does. And I don't like punk. I'm not wearing crosses or anything extreme. I'm just a person who has an opinion and I'm not
afraid to tell it. I think you should speak out and you should do what you
think is right. If you like drinking, that's ok! I'm not going to like you
less. Some of my closest friends drink too, some of them a lot, others not that
much, but they still are my friends and they respect my opinion.Just say no if when you don’t want
to do something, don’t think: “They are going to think I’m boring, stupid, a
baby, …” Because when you say you don’t want to, they will think: “Hey, she/he
does whatever she/he wants and she/he doesn’t care about what others think, it’s
smart! Why shouldn’t I just do that too?”
I’m just proud to say I’m not following the rest, but that I have my own opinion. And nobody has the right to take that away from me!
vrijdag 31 mei 2013

A while ago,
I went to the cinema. Then I saw the trailer from the animated movie Epic. I was
so excited! I really want to go see it. It looks awesome! Normally the movie is
for younger children, but I’m going to use every excuse to see it. I just fell
in love with the slug and the snail!! Mub & Grub!! They are amazing! :D I
don’t care about what people are going to say when they know I’m crazy about
them, because the movie is so special. I really admire people who can make such
movies. That’s one of my dreams: to make awesome movies like that.
Definitely go
watch it!! I think I might go more than once until I’m having the movie at home
maandag 27 mei 2013
See yaaa later alligator!!!
Bill haley
and comets – see you later alligator
See you
later alligator!
After a
while crocodile!
When I read
one of the books from the True blood series, I sang this song the whole day. But that is a long time ago. Yesterday, a
friend said: See you later! And I immediately started to scream the words: See
you later alligator!! But she didn’t reply, another friend of me was like: Euhm,
after a while crocodile? We all started to laugh and I’ve been using it every
time I say goodbye. It’s just funny when people reply although most people
think I’m weird when I say it, but who cares? It’s different and funny, so I
say this: Use it too! Give Bill Haley’s song a second life, he will be grateful
zaterdag 25 mei 2013
Back in time
What would
you change if you could go back in time? Well I don’t really want to go back in
time, because there are things I would’ve done differently. But would I still
be the same person as I’m now? Or would those things make me another person? At
this moment I’m pretty happy with who I am. I still don’t know what to do with
my life, but I have some dreams. Dreams, and I’ll try to make them come true. So
if I would go back in time I might have other dreams or just be another person
than I’m today. I’m still young, so maybe one day I’ll say: “If I could go back
…” but hopefully I won’t regret my decisions. I know that I’ll learn from my
mistakes, so I’ll become who I want to become.
zondag 19 mei 2013
Bastille - Flaws
A couple
days ago, I heard for the first about this band. I looked them up and I think I’ve
been listening to this song for the rest of the day. There songs are great. I really
like them. So I started to listen to them the whole time and I kind of made my
best friend go crazy. Oops! Haha, he has been listening too and we are both
addicted. Out of all their songs, this is my favorite. It just makes me smile
and dance. The craziest things come into my mind, but it’s just inspiring and
easeful. When I close my eyes I just see me and my best friends running around
on the grass and jumping on a trampoline. We are just having fun and moving on
the music. Laughing and shouting the whole time, just enjoying every moment we
spend together. We just don’t care about our flaws …
vrijdag 10 mei 2013
Having a cold
2 weeks ago
I worked with children a lot. My category was toddlers, so I was pretty busy. Everyday
playing with them, dressing up as an animal to entertain them and standing for
hours in the cold wind to watch them while they are playing. We needed to make
a program every evening for the next day. I have to say it was hard, but the
best time of my life. Seeing those happy kids just makes you happy. I had
amazing co-animators and we were a great group. My best friends where there too
and we had an awesome week. But it was hard. Almost no sleep, watching them all
the time, entertain them, screaming, … The day after that week my voice was literally
gone. I could just say words with a weird noise and I started to cough the hole
time. So yeah, I became sick. All the kids had had the chance on making me sick
and they took it ;) . I had a cold! Jup, and that for about 10 days. So I was
sick for the rest of my vacation. Not really what I hoped for, but yeah. Now the
rest of my family is getting sick , but for me it’s almost over. I hope I will
get better soon, because I don’t want to have a cold when the weather is
turning great.
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